
The Noserider fin was designed for maximum control and stability while nose riding. The filled-out tip provides the most area possible for drive and hold while moving through sections. Its upright stance lets it pivot and slash easily putting you in the perfect section for extended nose rides. This fin was inspired by some of CJ’s favorite vintage boards and has been CJ’s go-to fin in his Sprout for the last couple of years. Vintage looks with incredible performance.

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ロングボードのライディングスタイルをもう一度見直して、新しく様々な視点から捉えて、より良いスタイルに導くためにデザインをCJ NELSONに託して出来たのが「POWER FLEX」フィンです。CJがデザインしたこのオリジナルフィンは、オーストラリアで人気のBYRON SHAIREによってフォイルされ、CJが東オーストラリアツアーでテストを繰り返しました。コンセプトは、カリフォルニアの伝統的なピボットで決めるノーズライドの性能もありながら、オージースラッシャーのような激しいマニューバーも可能にするデザイン。ワイドベースでありながらも、縦の回転軸を遅らせて、ターンの時のドライブ感やスピードを落とさずに、パワーフレックスが波の先のセクションへ導いてくれます。

様々なサイズのフィンをボードの種類に合わせるというテストを繰り返してデザインされたフィンであり、 C」自身は11’'のフィンを9'8"~10'0'’までのボードで使うのが好みです。ラインナップには10”と10.5’'もあり、 短いロングや8'0'’くらいのエッグボードなどにも最適です。もちろん波のサイズやパワーによってサイズを変えていくことをおすすめします。

The Power Flex was designed by CJ Nelson in order to enhance each aspect of his longboarding style. Originally drawn up in Torquay Australia by CJ, the Power Flex was first foiled by the infamous wiz, Bryon Shire, and put to the test on a complete coastal tour of eastern Australia.

The concept was to make a fin that would merge the noseride capabilities of a Cali style pivot with the spunky slash of legendary Aussie slashing fins known to enhance maneuverability, generate speed out of turns, and steady enough for quick trips up to the nose. The Power Flex was built with a wide base and upright stance that allows for great pivot stalls but also lets you link together turns without losing drive or speed. It’s stiffer flex delivers power and predictability.

We have built these fins in a number of sizes to work with the variety of different surfboard options. CJ rides the 11″ in most of his large logs ranging from 9’8″-10’0″ but will size down to the 10″ or 10.5″ when surfing his smaller logs or eggs in the 8’0″-9’6″ range. He will also adjust depending on how large the surf is or how much torque he is inspired to surf with. Bigger fins for more size and torque.

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1990年代初頭のサンタクルーズでCJ NELSONによって考案されたCALI PIVOT。多種多様なデザイン形状のボードにセットしてテストを繰り返し、CJは他のどんなフィンにも匹敵するノーズライディングラダーを作ろうと努力しました。誰よりも長くハングテンすることを目指し、数年に渡る試行錯誤と微調整を経て、洗練された最高のノーズライディングフィンを完成させました。フレックスとフォイルを熟知したCJのフィンは、ピボットとホールドを失うことなく、ノーズライディングを素早く自在に操ることができます。


The Cali Pivot was originally drawn up by CJ Nelson during the early 90’s in Santa Cruz, CA. After riding tons of boards with multiple tail designs and fin configurations, CJ went to the drawing board to carve out a tip riding rudder that would rival any fin before or after it. He was pushing to find the best noserider to hang ten longer than anyone. After years of enjoyment and slight tweaking, this refined version is the best noseriding fin of all time.

Known for their flex and foil, CJ’s fins keep your noserider fast and loose without losing that pivot and hold.

CJ rides the 11″ Cali Pivot in his big logs ranging from 9’8″-10’0″. For his smaller logs, ranging from 9’0″-9’7′, he likes to use the 10″or 10.5″ Cali Pivot fins.

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The smaller surface area allows this fin to move through the water quickly with less side to side resistance. With its slender profile and speed foil, it’s one of the fastest and loosest fins in the world today. It also smooths out and allows flow in windy or choppy conditions.

CJ rides the Parallax fin in his Parallax and Outlier models, as well as gliders, and any board he’s trying to loosen up. Smaller sizes also work awesome in eggs and mid-lengths.

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CJは主に彼のInvolvement logで使いつつ、 ParallaxやOutlierモデル、波が大きい時のグライダーにもセットします。このフィンは Power Flexモデルよりコンパクトなため、 小さな波でもスムーズなマニューバーを可能にしてくれます。

This fin is a classic. Drawing on the simple and proven designs of our forefathers, we added subtle elements to this design to optimize it for speed and added power through turns. Clean, simple lines and perfect mid-range flex. The function first concept makes this fin one of the easiest riding fins we’ve ever come across. Lots of control and drive in a beautiful package. A great choice for any single fin longboard.

CJ rides this fin in his involvement logs primarily but also rides it in his Parallax and Outlier models, and gliders when the waves get larger. This fin has less area and a touch more rake than our Power Flex model making it more maneuverable for small wave slashing.

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ピンテールのログ、最愛のノーズライダー、 スプラウトモデルの使用において、もう少しドライブやフローが欲しいと感じた時に持ち出すフィン。ナローなテール、もしくはピンテールでのライディングに抜群の効果を発揮し、人間工学に基づいたデザインが確かなホールド感とスムーズさを生み出す。 この Classic Pivotはピンテールやそれに近い形状のサーフボードの乗り味を追求した結果として誕生。 クラシカルな特徴と剛性フレックスが、あらゆるログに大いなる機能性をもたらしてくれる。

Pivot fins are a staple in longboard surfing, and always the best choice when noseriding is your focus. After 30 years of riding pivot fins, this is the new brainchild of CJ Nelson. Adding a little more rake for drive and rounding out the tip allows this fin to perform on another level. Offering more drive and flow than your average pivot.

CJ rides this fin in most of his pintail logs or his beloved noserider, the Sprout, if he wants to add a bit more drive and flow. As tails narrow or pin, we add more rake for more ergonomic steering and hold. With increasing interest in pintails and boards with more pulled-in tails, the Classic Pivot was born.  This classic profile and it’s rigid-flex foil make this fin a mega functional addition to any log.

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The two plus one center is a classic. Ridden for 25 years plus in CJ’s performance longboards, this one is foolproof. Just enough rake to give you that continuous speed needed to link turns on a longboard but upright enough to keep you mobile and free. This one will never disappoint.

Ride this fin in any 2 plus 1 longboard, egg, mid-length, or glider. The neutral outline makes this fin easy to accompany with any side bites depending on your taste. Its upright stance and speed foil gives you the speed you need without tracking while keeping your direction change easy and flowing.

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